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3tentos App allows signing of documents and makes management easier

Documents signed via the application have legal validity and are automatically available to the 3tentos unit, streamlining the process for the producer

Digital processes, increasingly, make our day-to-day life easier, facilitating more agility in the execution of tasks. With this principle, one of the available tools is the electronic signature of documents, which allows cost reduction, greater security and ease of storage, in addition to being a more sustainable practice. In the agricultural sector, an example of the application of this tool is the online signature of invoices and contracts, which streamline both internal and customer processes.

What are the differences between a digital signature and an electronic signature?
Electronic signature is a way to sign documents online that does not require a Digital Certificate. In this way, the user's identity is verified by other factors, such as the IP address, biometrics, tokens - an electronic device that generates passwords -, logins and passwords, or even the signatures of the hand itself, generated directly on the screen of the mobile device. .

The digital signature is performed through the Digital Certificate, which links the person's identity to a cryptographic key, validating the veracity of the signature. The document with a digital signature has the same validity as a document with a physical signature, being regulated by Decree.

Sign documents with legal validity and greater security

Accompanying the digital evolution in agribusiness, the 3tentos app (App 3tentos) provides several solutions for rural producers who seek ease and security in transactions.

One of the functions present in the App is the signature of documents, which allows, for example, the signature of duplicates from anywhere. Every time a new document is inserted for signature, the producer will receive a notification on his cell phone.

To carry out the operation in the 3tento App, it is necessary to access the Document Signing item, being directed to a screen where there will be the Pending Documents item. In this space, you will find all documents that have not yet been signed and you will be able to consult the history of all previously signed documents.

The 3tentos App allows both electronic and digital signatures. The electronics is performed by means of a signature on the smartphone screen or through the Partner Portal, sending a Token to the registered telephone number.

In addition to being easy and fast, the signed documents are automatically available to the 3tentos unit, thus speeding up this process.

Developed by Agência Jung

Inscrição PAP Digital Versão BETA

O PAP é uma ferramenta desenvolvida por consultores 3tentos para produtores rurais
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Referência: 14/05/2021
Produto Último Máxima Mínima Abertura Fechamento %
[CBOT] Arroz 13,42 13,33 -0.22%
[CBOT] Farelo 431,5 423,5 0.00%
[CME Milk Futures] Leite 18,87 18,99 18,87 18,98 18,88 -0.79%
[CBOT] Milho 692,5 718,75 685 717,25 685 -4.73%
[CBOT] Óleo de Soja 68,59 68,41 +0.54%
[CBOT] Soja 1602,5 1625 1620,75 1625 1603,75 -0.53%
[CME Lean Hog Futures] Suínos 111,15 111,575 111,15 111,45 111,15 -0.29%
[CBOT] Trigo 737 730,25 727,25 730,25 727,25 +0.10%
Referência: 13/05/2021
Produto Último Máxima Mínima Abertura Fechamento
[CME Milk Futures] Leite 18,95 19,1 18,94 19,05 19,03
[CBOT] Arroz 13,765 13,36
[CBOT] Farelo 424,7 448 427 448 423,5
[CME Lean Hog Futures] Suínos 111,475 111,925 111,2 111,775 111,475
[CBOT] Soja 1612 1657 1598 1657 1612,25
[CBOT] Milho 729 776,5 709,75 757,5 719
[CBOT] Óleo de Soja 69,05 71,91 70,85 70,85 68,04
[CBOT] Trigo 730 756,5 737 750 726,5
Frequência de atualização: diária