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Our goal is to grow sustainably, preserving the environment and reducing the use of natural resources.

Water and effluents

The responsible use of water resources is a crucial issue for our ecosystem, as water is an extremely important input in our production chain.
To minimize impacts on the use of water resources, we adopt sustainable strategies, such as the use of tanks to accumulate rainwater and the reuse of wastewater from industrial production processes.

Vegetation Curtain

One of the resources adopted to reduce the impact of particulate emissions into the atmosphere is the so-called plant curtain, adopted around 3tentos industrial units. In 2023, at least 245 native plant seedlings were planted, with the approval of the responsible environmental agencies.


Caring for our supply chain is also strategic for our business in the area of renewable energy. The biodiesel we produce is certified by RenovaBio, a seal that allows us to issue Decarbonization Credits (CBIOS) for the biofuel sold, which is only possible because we know the origin of the raw material.

Social fuel seal

We are committed to strengthening family farming and, to materialize this commitment, one of the initiatives embraced is the Social Biofuel Seal program, from the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply which aims to insert family farmers into the biodiesel chain , promoting social inclusion and the generation of jobs and income in the countryside.

Rural producers benefit from grain purchase contracts, signed before planting, and qualified technical assistance is guaranteed at no cost to program participants.


The Research, Development and Innovation department operates in several lines of research in agriculture, identifying and analyzing the technical or functional feasibility of products, technologies and management strategies. With a systematic view of agriculture, the PDI also seeks to discover, combine and adapt increasingly sustainable solutions via biological products or management strategies.

Sustainability-oriented research aims to meet the needs of each producer, achieve greater productivity with the same resources, balancing efficiency, profitability and sustainability. With this we provide viable solutions for the sustainable development of agriculture, through the generation and transfer of knowledge, benefiting the entire chain and optimizing the results of the property.


Biological products are derived from microorganisms and other sources found in nature. They are used in agricultural production systems for various purposes, such as pest and disease control, plant resistance induction, nutrient mobilization in the soil, growth promotion, nitrogen utilization, among others. Due to their low toxicity and a range of benefits, biological products help promote profitable and sustainable agriculture, reducing impacts on nature and offering several ecological solutions compared to conventional chemical management.

3tentos invests in research to find biological solutions that enable farmers to produce sustainably and profitably. In 2020, we launched the 1st Biologicals Week, a moment that marked our entry into the world of biological products and our ongoing commitment to producing food sustainably. Due to the success of the campaign, we created the Biologicals Season, which takes place twice a year, lasting for a month.

”Sowing for a Better World” Committee

Founded in March 2017, the“Sowing for a Better World” Socio-Environmental Management Committee is formed by volunteer employees with the objective of developing socio-environmental projects. We believe in a better world and, for that, we sow small actions establishing a harmonious link with the community and the environment.

Environmental education

The issue of environmental awareness is periodically discussed with our employees after lectures. In addition, we develop sustainable actions, such as projects for legal separation and collection of batteries. The recyclable material is donated to the Association of Waste Pickers of each city.

Family Day

One of the initiatives of the ”Sowing for a Better World” Committee is the holding of the Family Day. Every year we organize a special day at the company with recreational activities for children and technical visits for other family members.

On that occasion, we integrated the approach to some socio-environmental theme in order to insert families in this context of awareness and preservation of natural resources. This moment is very important, as it generates the engagement of professionals and their families, strengthening the bond between family and company.


3tentos has a permanent commitment to the principles of transparency, equity, accountability and corporate responsibility. To this end, it has a solid and transparent governance model, with responsibilities divided between the Board of Directors, the Executive Board and inspection and control bodies.

The Company has three committees: Audit Committee, Risk Committee and ESG Committee, as well as an Audit Department, which ensure the minimization of the most diverse risks and the adherence of internal controls to internal and external standards. In addition, an accounting and financial audit is performed annually by an external organization. The Codes of Ethics and Conduct establish references for the professional and personal conduct of all those involved. They are in line with the best governance and ethical management practices, and are standard for 3tentos internal and external relationships with people within the corporate interest.

Considering the relevance of socio-environmental issues, 3tentos has a robust environmental management system, which monitors impacts on the environment and the continuous improvement of systems. Every 2 years, an external environmental audit is carried out, which verifies environmental management and compliance with applicable standards.

Promoting the well-being of customers, employees, business partners and the local community is a priority for the company, which is why 3tentos has a free, permanently open Reporting Channel, which allows anonymous registration of information, suggestions or complaints from any nature that are not in accordance with the code of ethics or the values ​​of 3tents. The team of ombudsmen is composed exclusively of psychologists trained to obtain the greatest amount of information without compromising the anonymity and security of the source. Complaints and information are directed to a committee composed of managers from different areas who carry out the appropriate treatment.

Sustainability Report

Sustainability has always been present in 3tentos DNA, in a genuine and transparent way. With responsibility throughout the Agribusiness chain, we bring solutions to rural producers, who, in addition to being largely responsible for feeding the world, also contribute to the production of renewable fuels.
ESG report 2023

ESG report 2022

ESG report 2021

ESG report 2020
Developed by Agência Jung

Inscrição PAP Digital Versão BETA

O PAP é uma ferramenta desenvolvida por consultores 3tentos para produtores rurais
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Bolsa Chicago
Referência: 14/05/2021
Produto Último Máxima Mínima Abertura Fechamento %
[CBOT] Arroz 13,42 13,33 -0.22%
[CBOT] Farelo 431,5 423,5 0.00%
[CME Milk Futures] Leite 18,87 18,99 18,87 18,98 18,88 -0.79%
[CBOT] Milho 692,5 718,75 685 717,25 685 -4.73%
[CBOT] Óleo de Soja 68,59 68,41 +0.54%
[CBOT] Soja 1602,5 1625 1620,75 1625 1603,75 -0.53%
[CME Lean Hog Futures] Suínos 111,15 111,575 111,15 111,45 111,15 -0.29%
[CBOT] Trigo 737 730,25 727,25 730,25 727,25 +0.10%
Referência: 13/05/2021
Produto Último Máxima Mínima Abertura Fechamento
[CME Milk Futures] Leite 18,95 19,1 18,94 19,05 19,03
[CBOT] Arroz 13,765 13,36
[CBOT] Farelo 424,7 448 427 448 423,5
[CME Lean Hog Futures] Suínos 111,475 111,925 111,2 111,775 111,475
[CBOT] Soja 1612 1657 1598 1657 1612,25
[CBOT] Milho 729 776,5 709,75 757,5 719
[CBOT] Óleo de Soja 69,05 71,91 70,85 70,85 68,04
[CBOT] Trigo 730 756,5 737 750 726,5
Frequência de atualização: diária