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Rationing and rationalizing: the best strategy in times of high fertilizer costs

Having information on fertility rates, liming recommendations and soil and plant nutrition are increasingly important to optimize the resources invested in crops

It is not new that agriculture has been going through a scenario of transformation in its production processes. Climatic uncertainties, such as the drought faced in the summer crop and the severe cold, predicted for the winter of this year, are factors that worry farmers across the country. In addition, the war between Russia and Ukraine directly affects Brazilian agribusiness.

In the face of all this, producers became even more concerned, since, according to data released in March/2022, as a result of this war, fertilizer prices had an unimaginable increase, compared to what was paid in recent harvests. . Potassium, for example, an essential element for agricultural production, tripled in value in just one year, from US$ 300 in February 2021 to US$ 1,100 per ton in 2022, because Russia is the main source of the input. used in Brazilian crops.

As usual, the Brazilian farmer once again needed to look for new alternatives to overcome all the uncertainties in the crop, and with that, more and more, it was realized the need to increase the demand for information on fertility rates, liming and nutrition recommendations. soil and plants, with the aim of optimizing the resources invested in crops.

Precision agriculture, an old acquaintance of producers, showed (again) its importance in this scenario, since the data generated through the soil, which are obtained with collected samples and sampling quality criteria, reveal information. From these data, it is possible to have knowledge about the nutrients present in the soil and to estimate their quantity and availability, generating fundamental data for the development of strategies to maintain the levels of these nutrients. In this way, we guarantee that the vegetative and reproductive growth phases of each crop are not harmed by the lack or excess of fertilizers.

Through detailed soil knowledge, in addition to nutrient maintenance or correction strategies, another factor stands out in the scenario of high fertilizer costs: safety in decision-making. With the data generated at hand, the farmer will run less risk when fertilizing the soil and liming, in addition to having accurate information about each field of the crop and the doses to be applied accurately. Therefore, the purchase of fertilizers is carried out in an intelligent way, rationalizing the entire investment with these products.

Therefore, in order to have better results in the next crops, in addition to using the appropriate strategies, it is necessary to ration and rationalize all the resources necessary for the production process, after all, it will still be possible to feel, for many years, the reflexes of the actions carried out by the other side of the continent.

Developed by Agência Jung

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Referência: 14/05/2021
Produto Último Máxima Mínima Abertura Fechamento %
[CBOT] Arroz 13,42 13,33 -0.22%
[CBOT] Farelo 431,5 423,5 0.00%
[CME Milk Futures] Leite 18,87 18,99 18,87 18,98 18,88 -0.79%
[CBOT] Milho 692,5 718,75 685 717,25 685 -4.73%
[CBOT] Óleo de Soja 68,59 68,41 +0.54%
[CBOT] Soja 1602,5 1625 1620,75 1625 1603,75 -0.53%
[CME Lean Hog Futures] Suínos 111,15 111,575 111,15 111,45 111,15 -0.29%
[CBOT] Trigo 737 730,25 727,25 730,25 727,25 +0.10%
Referência: 13/05/2021
Produto Último Máxima Mínima Abertura Fechamento
[CBOT] Arroz 13,765 13,36
[CBOT] Farelo 424,7 448 427 448 423,5
[CBOT] Trigo 730 756,5 737 750 726,5
[CME Milk Futures] Leite 18,95 19,1 18,94 19,05 19,03
[CME Lean Hog Futures] Suínos 111,475 111,925 111,2 111,775 111,475
[CBOT] Milho 729 776,5 709,75 757,5 719
[CBOT] Óleo de Soja 69,05 71,91 70,85 70,85 68,04
[CBOT] Soja 1612 1657 1598 1657 1612,25
Frequência de atualização: diária