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Canola cultivation: learn about its benefits and management precautions

Cultivation allows diversification in the winter period, emerging as an alternative to increase income

Canola (Brassica napus L.) is an oilseed crop on the rise in the food industry, mainly in the manufacture of oils, behind only soybean and palm oil. Furthermore, it is used as a raw material in the manufacture of biodiesel, with the bran resulting from this industrialization being inserted into feed formulations for animal consumption.

Canola cultivation

Belonging to the group of oilseeds in the cruciferous family, canola stands out for being among the most produced in the world for the oil industry. The plant is an annual herbaceous plant with a taproot with branches of secondary fasciculated roots, reaching up to 1.5 meters in height, depending on the species.

Its grain is a food product considered rich in “good” fats for human consumption, with an oil content between 35% and 48% and a high protein content ranging between 24 and 27% (ESTEVEZ, 2014). In the manufacture of biodiesel, it is used as a raw material and is an alternative to reducing the impact of CO2 emissions and other toxic gases from the burning of fossil fuels.

Source: Campestre

Benefits of planting canola

The cultivation of canola allows the producer to diversify crops in the winter period, emerging as an alternative to increase income through the commercialization of its grain. Furthermore, it also promotes nutrient cycling and soil cover in the off-season when the cultivation of other species may not be as attractive.

Among the main benefits of growing canola, we can mention:

? Ease of commercialization;

? In crops following legumes and grasses, it promotes increased yield by improving the health and quality of the crop resulting from the reduction in the incidence of pests and diseases;

? Cultivation option for crop rotation, acting as a soil decompactor and promoting nutrient cycling;

? It does not require specific machines for sowing and harvesting, other than those that the producer has on the property.

Cultivation care

Canola production requires specific knowledge from the producer, both for sowing and harvesting. Understanding this dynamic avoids waste and increases crop productivity.

- Weather conditions

When it comes to canola cultivation, there are three limiting factors related to climate that can be listed, including water deficiency, excess heat and damage from frost. Excess heat accelerates the plant's cycle, causing the reproductive stages to advance, in addition to causing flower abortion, so that the plant cannot fully express its productive potential. Frost affects the crop in the first 30 days of the cycle and in the final flowering phase, while the lack of water reduces plant development and affects the quality and quantity of the oil produced, resulting in lower added value (ANTUNES, 2010).

- Sowing

As with any other crop, sowing is a determining phase in achieving the desired production ceilings. Therefore, the basic premise for good sowing is a moist soil, whether at the time of distributing the seeds in the soil or afterwards, through low-intensity rainfall (TOMM, 2004).

The period between sowing and emergence is very variable depending on the temperature and humidity conditions present at the time, so that lower temperatures associated with low humidity provide a delay in seedling emergence (TOMM, 2010). Furthermore, the sowing density must be adequate, with a minimum of 40 plants evenly distributed per square meter, taking into account a spacing of 40 cm between rows.

- Fertilization

When sowing the crop, it is also associated with fertilization with nitrogen fertilizers with NPK formulations (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium) and sulfur. The commonly used formulations are 10-20-20 or 06-26-10 or 08-18-18 and 10% sulfur (S), applying 150 to 300 kg/ha of formulation. Top dressing is carried out 40 days after sowing when the plant has 4 true leaves, applying 50 to 100 kg/ha of urea (TOMM, 2010).


The harvest is carried out when the plants reach uniform maturation, for this it is recommended to desiccate the crop in order to obtain uniformity and guarantee the quality of the grains, minimizing the loss of impurities. Desiccation should occur when 70% of the plants have black grains. Grain moisture must not exceed 18% moisture and the harvester must operate at reduced speed, closed sieves and low cylinder rotation (400 rpm to 600 rpm) (MALDANER, 2023).


Canola cultivation has great potential for development in Brazil, both for the food industry and for biodiesel production. Therefore, the adoption of this culture brings benefits not only to the producer, but to the entire agribusiness production chain.

By: Ricardo Carlos Remos and Thaysla Vezaro Wiedemann, academics from the Agronomy course at UFSM campus Frederico Westphalen, members of the Tutorial Education Program – PET Agricultural Sciences, under the supervision of the tutor, professor Dr. Claudir José Basso.


COTRISOJA. Demystifying canola cultivation: tips for success and profitability with the crop. Cotrisoja, 2024. Available at: <>. Accessed on: 19 Dec. 2024.

DEIMLING, M.J.; TOMM, G. O.; CHARTIER, J. K. et al. Management strategies for canola cultivation. Scientia Agraria Paranaensis, v. 9, no. 1, p. 76-87, 2010. Available at: <>. Accessed on: 19 Dec. 2024.

EMBRAPA. Canola: strategies to beat the climate. Embrapa Portal, 19 December. 2024. Available at: <>. Accessed on: 19 Dec. 2024.

ESTEVEZ, M. Nutritional composition and uses of canola. Revista de Agricultura Sustentável, 2014. Available at: <>. Accessed on: 19 Dec. 2024.

GAZZONI, D. Canola for biodiesel. BiodieselBR, 5 Oct. 2012. Available at: <>. Accessed on: 19 Dec. 2024.

MALDANER, I. M. Canola harvesting techniques. Revista Agropecuária, 2023. Available at: <>. Accessed on: 19 Dec. 2024.

TERRAMAGNA. Canola: cultivation, benefits and challenges. Terramagna, 2024. Available at: <>. Accessed on: 19 Dec. 2024.

TOMM, G. O. Canola sowing: techniques and recommended practices. Embrapa, 2004. Available at: <>. Accessed on: 19 Dec. 2024.

TOMM, G. O.; FERREIRA, P. E. P.; AGUIAR, J. L. P. de; CASTRO, A. M. G. de; LIMA, S. M. V.; DE MORI, C. Current panorama and indications for increasing the efficiency of canola production in Brazil. Embrapa Trigo, 2010. Available at: <>. Accessed on: 19 Dec. 2024.

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